In this article and written content, which is a continuation of the previous article, after learning the basic structure of HTML5, it is time to learn HTML5 Title Tags...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

The basic concept that almost everyone who does research on web design comes across is HTML. HTML stands for "Hyper Text Markup Language",...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

CSS stands for "Cascading Style Sheets", which stands for "Cascading Style Layers". “What is CSS?” The answer to the question...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

HTML5 will create a web site that we will enter the article can be read more and the web page to create eye-pleasing to create some styles we can add....

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

In order to shorten these processes and to make the easiest Plesk Installation, Plesk does this for us....

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

Connecting your website or applications with Facebook user login api will provide...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

The word IMAP is basically an abbreviation of the head of Internet Message Access Protocol. This protocol allows you to manage your e-mails directly...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

When we face today's developing world, many new concepts emerge every day. We see it on smart devices,...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

The term cookie refers to some files that have been sent to your computer by other computers. These files remain stored on your computer and the site recognizes...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the whole of the work done to ensure that our websites gain more visibility in search engines...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

Node.js is a Javascript Runtime platform developed by Joyent in 2009, where we can write server-side applications with JavaScript. ...

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun

Virtual Dedicated Server in shortVDS. VDS, which is one of the two important topics of Virtual Hosting, can be confused with VPS in many ways....

  • Gökmen Efsun

Gökmen Efsun